Friday 7 March 2014

Mer Logo

I created two different versions of the Mer logo.

Here is the first version I created:

In this version, like with Suijin, I stuck very closely to the original sketch. However, with this logo I really wanted to go for a very hard, metallic feel. To that end, I used a gradient fill between a very dark and very light blue and did not use an outline. Then I added a very stark shadow to add to this effect. The name I added was in Aniron font downloaded from

I liked the metallic effect and the dark blue, but the name felt a bit disconnected from the image. So I wanted to try another version with more attention on the name.
Here is the other version I made with a vague idea taken from where I went with the Suijin Logo.
I wasn't all that happy with this version but I thought it was worth a try. I tried to make a more compact version of the logo which retained the oceanic symbolism. It did look more compact, but still there was something kind of clunky about it.

I didn't have any more ideas at the time, so I decided to leave it. But I want to come back to this one later on to see if  I could just edit this a little more and bring out the effect I was hoping to get.

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