Wednesday 15 January 2014

Beginning :: Mission Statements and Name / Logo Ideas

The first ideas with regard to company/business mission statement as well as design ideas for names and potential logos.

The games company will produce fantasy genre games in the vein of Square Enix and Capcom, which will be graphically very heavily influenced by Japanese anime style. The idea will be detailed graphics, deep storylines and immersive gameplay. While at the beginning the level of graphics might be held back by a lack of resources, they would nevertheless communicate attention to detail.

Name ideas:

Reasoning: the phoenix is a mythical bird and hence would communicate the fantasy genre of the games. The bird itself is not only symbolic of rebirth but easily communicates power and beauty. The name itself would be an alteration of the Old English spelling 'phenix'.

Reasoning: the idea hatched from a shortening of the word 'mermaid' and the potential to use a mermaid or a like creature in the logo. Said creatures and water generally can convey the idea of mystery as well as seriousness and beauty.

Moon Games
Reasoning: the image of the moon has been often used in mystical and mythical contexts and often communicates the idea of beauty, seriousness and mystery.

Logo ideas:

(For the name "Fenix")
A fiery bird drawn in conjunction with the word "Fenix". Initial thought is that the bird would be flying over the name.

Another idea for the logo, without the name of the company, would be the shape of the phoenix in the background alongside a larger feather with the same theme of colours in the foreground.

(For the name "Mer")
Similar to the first version of the Fenix logo, but with a mermaid behind the name of the company, with a watery colour scheme.

(For the name "Moon Games")
The name of the company would be white with blueish tints and a "shimmering swish" in front, to indicate moon dust. This might create a problem in printing though, as the moon dust could obscure the text.
Two alternates I thought of would be to have the 'swish' above or below the text.

More ideas to come...

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